Dynamics of the Spin-Boson Model


In this notebook we will simulate the dynamics of a 1-mode spin-boson model.

\[\hat H = \epsilon \hat \sigma_z + \Delta \hat \sigma_x + \omega \hat b^\dagger \hat b + g \sigma_z (\hat b^\dagger + \hat b)\]

We will first start with implementing it from scratch, and then show how to use the TimeEvolution class for the very same task.

Determine the model and basis

TenCirChem provides a simple yet versatile interface to define the Hamiltonian and the basis set. The Hamiltonian operators are specified through a list of Op object and simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) basis set is used for the boson in the spin-boson model. The relevant classes are borrowed from Renormalizer.

from tencirchem import Op, BasisHalfSpin, BasisSHO

epsilon = 0
delta = 1
omega = 1
g = 0.5

ham_terms = [
    Op("sigma_z", "spin", epsilon),
    Op("sigma_x", "spin", delta),
    Op(r"b^\dagger b", "boson", omega),
    Op("sigma_z", "spin", g) * Op(r"b^\dagger+b", "boson"),
basis = [BasisHalfSpin("spin"), BasisSHO("boson", omega=omega, nbas=8)]
ham_terms, basis
([Op('sigma_z', ['spin'], 0.0),
  Op('sigma_x', ['spin'], 1.0),
  Op('b^\\dagger b', ['boson', 'boson'], 1.0),
  Op('sigma_z b^\\dagger+b', ['spin', 'boson'], 0.5)],
 [BasisHalfSpin(dof: spin, nbas: 2),
  BasisSHO(dof: boson, x0: 0.0, omega: 1, nbas: 8)])

tencirchem.dynamic.model offers several shotcuts for common models

Quantum circuit is not able to simulate the boson basis, and proper basis transform to qubit basis is required

# transform the Hamiltonian and basis
from tencirchem.dynamic import qubit_encode_op, qubit_encode_basis

boson_encoding = "gray"
ham_terms_spin, constant = qubit_encode_op(ham_terms, basis, boson_encoding)
basis_spin = qubit_encode_basis(basis, boson_encoding)
# boson basis is transformed to spin basis
ham_terms_spin, constant, basis_spin
([Op('X', ['spin'], 1.0),
  Op('Z', [('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0')], -2.0),
  Op('Z Z', [('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1')], -1.0),
  Op('Z Z Z', [('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], -0.5),
  Op('Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], 0.9517337620166572),
  Op('Z Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], -0.040295934250509535),
  Op('Z Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], -0.26872106012443797),
  Op('Z Z Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], -0.14271676764170976),
  Op('Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1')], 0.4829629131445341),
  Op('Z X Z', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], -0.4829629131445341),
  Op('Z Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1')], -0.12940952255126037),
  Op('Z Z X Z', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], 0.12940952255126037),
  Op('Z X', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0')], 0.25),
  Op('Z X Z', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], 0.25),
  Op('Z X Z', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1')], -0.25),
  Op('Z X Z Z', ['spin', ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2')], -0.25)],
 [BasisHalfSpin(dof: spin, nbas: 2),
  BasisHalfSpin(dof: ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-0'), nbas: 2),
  BasisHalfSpin(dof: ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-1'), nbas: 2),
  BasisHalfSpin(dof: ('boson', 'TCCQUBIT-2'), nbas: 2)])

Construct ansatz

TenCirChem uses the variational Hamiltonian ansatz. Suppose the Hamiltonian has \(N\) terms and is written as

\[\hat H = \sum_j^N \hat h_j\]

The the variational Hamiltonian ansatz has the form

\[| \psi \rangle = \prod_k^M \prod_j^N e^{-i \theta_{kj} \hat h_j} | \phi \rangle\]

where \(| \phi \rangle\) is the initial state, \(\theta_{kj}\) is the circuit parameter and \(M\) is number of layers for the ansatz.

import tensorcircuit as tc
from tencirchem import set_backend
from tencirchem.dynamic import get_ansatz, get_jacobian_func, get_deriv

# dynamics simulation requires auto-differentiation from JAX.

# the initial state
init_circuit = tc.Circuit(len(basis_spin))
# number of layers
n_layers = 3
# get the ansatz. Note that the spin basis is feed in
ansatz = get_ansatz(ham_terms_spin, basis_spin, n_layers, init_circuit)

# ansatz accepts parameters and outputs wavefunction
import numpy as np

ansatz(np.zeros(n_layers * len(ham_terms_spin)))
DeviceArray([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j,
             0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j,
             0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], dtype=complex128)

The jacobian matrix for the wavefunction \(\partial | \psi \rangle / \partial \theta_{kj}\) is required to perform VQA dynamics based on TDVP.

# the funcction to evaluate the jacobian of the wavefunction
jacobian_func = get_jacobian_func(ansatz)

Compute time derivative \(\dot \theta\) based on McLachlan’s variational principle

\[\textrm{Re} M \theta = \textrm{Im} V\]

Here \(M\) is a matrix and \(V\) is a vector

\[M = \frac{\partial \langle \psi | }{\partial \theta_{kj}} \frac{\partial | \psi \rangle }{\partial \theta_{k'j'}}\]
\[V = \frac{\partial \langle \psi | }{\partial \theta_{kj}} | \hat H | \psi \rangle\]
# the Hamiltonian in dense matrix format
from tencirchem import get_dense_operator

h = get_dense_operator(basis_spin, ham_terms_spin)

# time derivative for $\theta_{kj}$ in the scipy solve_ivp format
def scipy_deriv(t, _theta):
    return get_deriv(ansatz, jacobian_func, _theta, h)

Run simulation

Use SciPy RK45 solver to solve the \(\theta\) initial value problem (IVP). Calculate \(\langle \hat \sigma_z \rangle\) for plotting.

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.linalg import expm

# time step
tau = 0.1
# initial value
theta = np.zeros(n_layers * len(ham_terms_spin))
# operator to measure Z
z_op = get_dense_operator(basis_spin, Op("Z", "spin"))
z_list = [1]
# for reference
z_exact_list = [1]
for n in range(100):
    # time evolution
    scipy_sol = solve_ivp(scipy_deriv, [n * tau, (n + 1) * tau], theta)
    # time evolved parameter
    theta = scipy_sol.y[:, -1]
    # calculate expectation
    state = ansatz(theta)
    z_list.append((state.conj().T @ z_op @ state).real)
    state_exact = expm(-1j * (n + 1) * tau * h) @ init_circuit.state()
    z_exact_list.append((state_exact.conj().T @ z_op @ state_exact).real)


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import mpl_config

t = np.arange(101) * tau
plt.plot(t, z_list, label="Variational")
plt.plot(t, z_exact_list, linestyle="--", label="Exact")
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.ylim(-1, 1)
plt.ylabel(r"$\langle \sigma_z \rangle$")
plt.legend(loc=(1, 0.75))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ff5484ae950>

Use TimeEvolution class

In this subsection we show how to use the TimeEvolution class to greatly simplify the workflow.

from tencirchem import TimeEvolution

te = TimeEvolution(ham_terms_spin, basis_spin, property_op_dict={"Z": Op("Z", "spin")})
for i in range(100):
plt.plot(te.t_list, te.properties["Z"][:, 0].real, label="Variational")
plt.plot(te.t_list, te.properties["Z"][:, 1].real, linestyle="--", label="Exact")
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.ylim(-1, 1)
plt.ylabel(r"$\langle \sigma_z \rangle$")
plt.legend(loc=(1, 0.75))